Community Day Spring Fest @ Downtown High School
On April 4th, we were invited to be a part of Downtown High School’s Community Day Spring Fest. We were able to bring lyrical arts and education to the event, held at 693 Vermont Street in San Francisco. It was designed to strengthen school culture and create a sense of belonging for students, families, staff, and community partners. Among the diverse activities offered that day—including free haircuts, mural painting, gardening, and thrifting—Lyrical Opposition contributed to the vibrant atmosphere by sharing experiences in performing arts with the DHS community. Our presence aligned with the event's mission of building positive school culture and enhancing school spirit, while the launch of the DHS Food Pantry, free dinner service, and various raffle prizes further enriched the community gathering. It was an honor to be there.
Burton HS Career Exploration with Lyrical Opposition x Mission Blue
Lyrical Opposition partnered again this year with Phillip and Sala Burton Academic High School for their annual career exploration job shadowing event. On Wednesday, April 3rd from 10am-2pm, Lyrical Opposition members hosted students to allow them to experience different careers firsthand. The event took place at the Mission Blue Creative space, which co-sponsored the program.
Metro Talk: "Re-Entrification" Documentary – A Film Screening & Discussion
Join MTC staff for a film screening, followed by a discussion with filmmakers Fēgo Navarro and Christian Bustos.