Burton HS Career Exploration with Lyrical Opposition x Mission Blue

Lyrical Opposition partnered again this year with Phillip and Sala Burton Academic High School for their annual career exploration job shadowing event. On Wednesday, April 3rd from 10am-2pm, Lyrical Opposition members hosted students to allow them to experience different careers firsthand. The event took place at the Mission Blue Creative space, which co-sponsored the program.

Students had the opportunity to shadow Lyrical Opposition team members to learn about working at a nonprofit arts organization. They gained insights into areas such as program management, fundraising, marketing, and community outreach. Mission Blue also provided a tour of their creative coworking space and coffee shop, exposing students to that entrepreneurial environment.

The half-day job shadowing allowed Burton High students to explore potential career paths and make connections with professionals. Partnering with Lyrical Opposition and Mission Blue gave them a valuable look into the nonprofit world and creative industries. It was a rewarding experience for both the students and the hosting organizations.


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