Lyrical Opposition announces partnership with New York organization, GBIMC

GBIMC and Lyrical Opposition announce partnership to bring God Belongs In My City: Bay Area

We are proud to introduce our new partnership with New York's GBIMC (God Belongs In My City). We have worked the past week or two in getting together to bring the GBIMC Prayer Walk to the Bay Area. We finally made it happen and agreed to bring it here on September 19, 2015, at 4pm, starting at City Hall. More information can be found at The prayer walk will be starting in front of San Francisco City Hall, then we will be walking through the streets of San Francisco praying for the city's landmarks, police stations, nightclubs, music venues, churches, etc. It will be an estimated 1.5-2 mile walk around the SoMa District and Tenderloin areas. Everybody is welcome, feel free to join us in unity and taking action in our cities. 


God Belongs In My City: Bay Area

Starting Point: In Front of San Francisco City Hall, Civic Center

Ending Point: Hall of Justice, 850 Bryant St, San Francisco, CA

Official Website:



Want more info about GBIMC?

  • In October of 2009, a youth group passionate for God in New York City saw an Atheist advertisement campaign in their subway system which stated, “A Million New Yorkers Are Good Without God. Are You? They were so stirred up by this, that they went to their Youth Pastor who then went to his network of Youth Pastors/leaders to ask, “What are we, as the body of Christ going to do about this?”. They prayed and decided to take action and have Youth Ministries from all around the 5 boroughs hold a prayer walk wearing a simple T-shirt which stated “God Belongs in My City“. In less than 2 weeks, on November 14th, 2009, over 1,500 youth walked from North and South of Manhattan meeting at Times Square and Grand Central Station making a bold statement that made history in the city and now the nation. Will your city be next?

    The Vision:
    To unite churches and all believers alike under one banner to pray and take a spiritual stand for our city.

    The Mission:
    To bring all believers together one day during the year and march and pray for hope of our cities. This is done through organizing a massive prayer walk in the city, wearing “God Belongs In My City” t-shirts as a show of solidarity, and a gathering of all Christians in a community of prayer.

  • Mission

    We are the voice of this generation making the call to the people of God to rise up and proclaim the
    name that is above all names, Jesus Christ.
    We are not ashamed of the Gospel
    We will answer the call to act now
    We will share the Gospel of Salvation to the ends of the world.
    We will start with our city.
    God Belongs In My City is our declaration of Faith. As Christ came and changed the world, we as Christians ought to impact our city now. There is a call to fearlessly rise up as one and not collapse under the waves of this world. We are commissioned to carry forth the Gospel of Salvation!
    I am a LIGHT to the WORLD – Matt. 5:14-16
    I have to make a STAND – Eph 6:11-13
    I will not compromise the TRUTH – 2 Tim 4: 3-5
    I am not ASHAMED – Rom 1:16
    I will UNITE – 1 Cor 1:10
    I will continue the LEGACY – Acts 5:42
    I have been COMMISSIONED – Matt 28:18-20


Eviction Notice by Son the Gifted | Spoken Word


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