Listening to God // Jermaine Hughes
In "Listening to God," poet Jermaine Hughes delivers a powerful and introspective performance reflecting on his spiritual journey. With raw vulnerability, he recounts moments of struggling to hear God's voice amidst life's chaos and distractions. Hughes' words paint vivid pictures of seeking divine guidance, grappling with doubt, and ultimately finding peace in surrendering to a higher power.
His rhythmic delivery and emotive storytelling draw the audience into personal battles of faith, unanswered prayers, and the ways trauma can cloud one's ability to truly listen. Yet Hughes' poem resonates with hope - that in the stillness, enlightenment awaits for those courageous enough to cast off earthly noise. With wisdom and linguistic artistry, "Listening to God" reminds us to quiet the discord and tune our souls to the eternal frequencies of the sacred.
Through this piece, Hughes establishes himself as a voice unafraid to explore spiritual complexity. His vulnerability connects with those on similar pilgrimages seeking to discern the divine amidst modern life's discordant melodies.
We asked @iamjermainehghs if he can do spoken word piece for @firstpreshayward this past Sunday for #FPCHlive.
Artist: Jermaine Hughes
Title: Listening to God
#JermaineHughes #Oakland #FPCHlive #ListeningToGod #SpokenWord #Poetry #FirstPresHayward #AsYouLoveYourself #LyricalOpposition