Veterans Day Flag-Raising at Community Park

This morning, we joined @cityofbrisbaneca 10th Annual 🇺🇸 Veterans Flag-Raising Event under the Community Park Gazebo with former Mayor W. Clarke Conway. as @elisasoleimusic sang the National Anthem and honored Veterans for their years of sacrifice in uniform.
#cityofbrisbane #lyricalopposition #elisasolei #veterans #day#rain #america

Join us for this year’s Veterans Flag-Raising Event, which falls on the day, November 11th. Former Mayor W. Clarke Conway will emcee a short ceremony honoring our Nation’s brave Veterans starting at 9 AM. One of them in attendance will be Mel Drutz, who turns 98 next year! Pictured is Sgt. Chuck Blunt, who we’ll also be honoring. Chuck is 101 years young, and both Mel and Chuck are World War II Veterans!

Leading us in the National Anthem this year will be Elisa Solei of @lyricalopposition. Thank you, Elisa!

Lastly, we’ll have a collection bin under the Gazebo on Monday for our City of Brisbane Coat Drive, so be sure to grab an extra coat that morning! Donations will be brought to One Warm Coat for distribution to Bay Area residents in need.

#VeteransDay #FlagRaising #ShareWarmth

The City of Brisbane hosted a Veterans Flag-Raising Event on November 11th. Former Mayor W. Clarke Conway emceed a short ceremony honoring our Nation’s brave Veterans. A big thank you to Elisa Solei from Lyrical Opposition for leading us in the National Anthem this year (check out Lyrical Opposition's Reel of the event). And big thanks to Herman Reiss for preparing a Veterans Day prayer to share with our Veterans and their families. Lastly, thank you to Matt Bigler from KCBS (740 AM) for covering Brisbane's event and sharing the audio file with us for use in the above video.


Lyrical Assembly, Advent: Hope


Re-Entrification at San Francisco State University via Project Rebound